Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sore Hip

Did a 5K today which really doesn't feel like much.  Planned on running six miles.  But after my last run I've got this annoying pain in my right (dare I say it?) hip.  No, no, no!  Can't be a hip issue can it?

Well it hurts again now.  And it was bothering me while I was walking.  Good thing is it goes away after a few days.

I'm thinking since I'm due a new pair of running shoes (mine are a year old now) I'll just get that done tomorrow and see if that helps.

Cross my fingers.

Update #1:
I got brave and looked up hip pain online.  (No need to see a doctor, I have the internet!)
Anyway, sounds as if I could have a stress fracture.   "Stress fractures of the hip are most common in athletes who participate in high-impact sports, such as long distance runners. Treatment usually is successful by avoiding the impact activities."  They continue:  "Hip stress fractures require the immediate modification of activity levels so you don't have pain or discomfort. I do not recommend pain medications, as these medications can mask symptoms that are important for the patient and doctor to know about. If you only have pain when running, then the running must be stopped. If the pain occurs while walking, then crutches should be used. The important concept is to stay under the level of pain. If you avoid activities that aggravate your symptoms, then it is often possible that hip stress fractures will heal without surgery."

I guess it's time to cut back, or out altogether, for a while, my running.  Big, big bummer.

Update #2:  from Orthopod; "Doctors most often recommend nonsurgical treatment for compression-type fatigue fractures. You must stay off the affected leg, using crutches if necessary, and rest the hip for at least four to six weeks. Pain can be treated with hot and cold treatments and medication. With care, the fractures tend to heal by themselves." 

So, I'll be sitting out for a while.

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